Project : Police academy Warnsveld, the Netherlands
Huis ’t Velde
Huis ’t Velde is a stately white country home east of Warnsveld, which has been part of the Municipality of Zutphen since 2005. The history of this former manor dates back to at least 1326 and has had prominent residents such as Arnold Joost van Keppel (1st Earl of Albermarle). The home is managed by the Het Geldersch Landschap foundation and was taken into use by the School for Police Leadership (SPL) as a conference and research centre in 1976.
Sustainable lighting
The Warnsveld Police Academy is located in Huis ’t Velde. They, too, have a focus on sustainability. The classic chandeliers were fitted with LED candles.
Light scan: We ran a light scan on the existing situation, based on the inventory we took.
The report provided a good insight into the possible measures to save on energy and maintenance costs, including the accompanying investments and the payback period.
The lights are on every day and consume a lot of energy, with high maintenance/replacement costs. Furthermore, the old incandescent light bulbs did not do justice to the original candle shape and accompanying atmosphere. The lights’ frequent failure also resulted in high maintenance and replacement costs.
Costs, savings, CO2 reduction and return on investment
Based on energy and maintenance, replacing the incandescent light bulbs in the chandeliers with E-candles produced significant yearly savings and an atmosphere befitting the building.
That achieved a significant reduction in CO2 emissions of approx. 90%.
Return on Investment: 2.8 years.
With this restoration, the police are not only upholding the honour of this historical building; but, partly due to the use of durable LED candles for the chandeliers, they have also showed that they have an eye for corporate social responsibility and sustainability.